Doing all for the glory of God
people reading

St. Philip-the-Apostle Anglican Church of Arlington, Texas is a Parish Church in the Episcopal (Anglican) Diocese of Fort Worth, which is a God-honoring, Biblically faithful Diocese in the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) and Communion with the Worldwide Anglican Church.

Here at St. Philip-the-Apostle Anglican Church, we worship God in the Anglican Tradition, proclaiming Christ Our Lord and using the Book of Common Prayer. Our Theology, Preaching, and Teaching are Biblically-sound and faithful to the Faith and the Gospel as received, preached, taught, and proclaimed for centuries and from generation to generation. Our worship is vibrant and expressive, reflecting the African culture from which most of our members originally came and have some connection. We usually have some refreshments, reception, and socialization following our services.

We know that there are thousands of African Anglicans in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex who are presently not worshiping in an Anglican Church. If you are such a person, we especially invite you to come and join us. Bishop Iker and the Diocese of Fort Worth have put a lot of resources into establishing and maintaining St. Philip’s so that we and our children (the future generations) may not lose our Anglican heritage and tradition.

Mission Statement

The mission of St. Philip-The-Apostle Anglican Church in Arlington, Texas is proclaiming the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, helping our members and others develop and grow spiritually and in Christian love and charity, serving one another and our community, and engaging in corporate worship and other Godly activities for the glory of God and the expanse of His kingdom.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to bring meaning to God’s Works through our works, giving people hope about God and His salvation.

Our Prayer

Prayer for St. Philip-the Apostle Anglican Church
Heavenly Father, pour down your Holy Spirit upon St. Philip-the-Apostle Church
and grant us a brighter vision of your Glory, a richer experience of your power,
increased faithfulness to your work, and a renewed dedication to your service,
so that through our witness, your Holy name be glorified and your Kingdom advanced
through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.

Calling All!

There is always something interesting happening at St. Philip’s! This is a warm and lively congregation. Please join us if you are an Anglican living in the Metroplex and are looking for such a congregation as ours. May the Lord guide and bless you. Amen.

Have questions for our church? Reach out to us today.